Friday, November 14, 2008

Wall-hanging Worthyness

Inspired by a dear friend, lol, cuz we're tards. Let's see ... there isn't much to report.

I confronted some friends about them treating me like shit lately, and I feel like a large burden has been lifted. We aren't talking anymore, but for right now, that's fine with me. I really could use the break from those two anyway.

Thanksgiving and Winter breaks are coming up soon. Very excited. ^_^ The downside is knowing that finals week is also inching closer. I'll pull myself through somehow though.

I've been obsessing over the Twilight soundtrack, which has a lot of good tracks. Woot.

I am also VERY TIRED. lol. And every time I think about why I'm tired, I smile. Cuz staying up all night on the phone is waay too much fun to try to contain.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

le sigh

and if I’m stupid as fuck
then, well, oh well,

and if I make all these mistakes,
then, well, oh well,

and if this world is crashing
down upon my feet,
and everything is bleeding

then, well, oh well,

fuck, I wish I were
more of this perfection
that everyone expects

and fuck, I wish I weren’t so blind

and fuck, I wish I didn’t make
so many mindless mistakes

and fuck, I wish somebody loved me

and fuck, oh well, just …

send me to the endless terrain
to fend for myself, oh well

fuck it